Sunday, May 2, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo and others songs and crafts

During our second full week in Belize, we had the opportunity of participating in community service projects around the area. A group of us volunteered at the local library running a 3 day Easter program for kids. The program was scheduled to be that Monday through Wednesday from 10-12 and 2-4. The children ranged from ages 4-9 with children from the various primary schools in the area. I was excited that one of the girls was a student in the class I was teaching at Isla Bonita. The amount of children changed each day and shift with there sometimes being only 8 kids to the most at 15 on the last day.

Originally, the 10-12 session was to be story and craft time with the afternoon session was movie time. Prior to the first day, we met with the librarian to determine what was expected of us, to chose the books we would like to us and to see what supplies were needed. I was surprised in how many craft supplies the library had as well as the decent selection of books available. I found it interesting that the library seemed to have more in the way of supplies the many of the local schools. She said as long as we told her what we needed, she would get it. And she did a wonderful job of supporting us in this.

In Belize, you often find yourself rarely fully prepared for anything. Even though I was unsure of exactly how the Easter program would play out I wanted to have plenty of ideas ready in case I needed to think of something fast, and I am glad I did! I came up with Easter related arts and crafts as possible ranging from Religious related to bunnies and eggs.

The first day about 11 of us went, where we discovered that there was more of us then the kids! Unsure of exactly how to proceed we started with some sing-alongs with the kids. I taught the kids as well as the rest of our group how to sing Jesus Loves Me in sign language which became a hit not only with these kids, but to most of the island haha. I was pleased at how many people enjoyed the song and taught it to so many others. After singing many songs that many of us would regret ever teaching (Little Bunny Foo Foo...I don't ever want to sing you...again lol) we began with some crafts. Many of the old Sunday School activities came in handy during this time including how to make crosses out of palm leaves. What could be more appropriate to create the day after Palm Sunday in honor of Easter.

That in addition to a bunny on a pop stick and some read alongs and we survived our first session! Realizing we had entirely to many people for the program, we decided that only a few of us would come back for the later session. As we prepared the movie, it seemed kind of silly for 4 of us to stick around even then. Not wanting to leave since we did make a commitment, I stayed while the other girls left. They couldn't have been gone for more then 10 minutes, when the natives got restless. I wasn'y long to determine that movie time wasn't going to work, but now I was alone with 9 kids of all different ages. I pulled out some of those craft ideas I was so glad I prepared, and we filled the afternoon with drawing bunnies, eggs and more. This was one of my favorite afternoons with the kids getting to share the one on one time.

The following 2 days consisted of many more sing alongs (No more Little Bunny Foo Foo!) plenty of reading and a substansial amount of Easter crafts. We made bunny masks, hollow eggs bunnies, cards, an Easter wreath, Easter baskets and more! We finished our 3 day event with an afternoon of games and an Easter Hunt! It was so much fun and I was sad to see the 3 days end.

I felt a sense of accomplishment after the service project. The parents and the children all had glowing comments about their time with us and in the weeks following on more then one occasion I would run into one of the kids and they would hug me with excitement at seeing me. Knowing the positive impact I had on these kids after only 3 days has shown me that alot of good can be done in a small amount of time if only someone tries.

It was very exciting to have our project published in the paper not once but twice! To have a place in the paper about our project made our sessions reach out to the whole community.

I was also very pleased at the positive comments I received from my peers as well as
my supervisors for keeping the program running smoothly. Being shy, I tend to fall into the background and let others take charge yet by stepping up I was able to show myself just how capable I am.

I had many great experience in Belize over the 5 and half weeks ther. For me, my time during the Community Service Project is one of my favorites and had one of the
more profound impacts on me that I know I will never forget.

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